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App for food enthusiasts! Upload your favorite recipes with step-by-step pictures, search for recipes by parameters, post questions and comments.
Two-player tanks game: drive around, kill enemies, destroy the field and defend the Eagle.

Who I am

Hi, there! My name is Mariia. I am from Russia.

I was born in the small town in Siberia which you hardly ever find on a map.

It's over 8000 miles away from San Francisco.

To reach that town you need to fly about 24+ hours with 2 stops and than drive on a car for about 6 hours.

But now I live in California and enjoy to be here ♥


What I did



I studied in Altay State Technical University where I got a Masters degree as Architect.

My major included software development classes.

I developed construction software such as an application for metal beam design or various CAD plug-ins.

Software Specialist

I got my PhD degree in Math, numerical methods and program development from Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

I used my software engineering skills to develop my own application for designing wooden trusses with metal plates.


BIM Specialist

At my first job I worked with Nuclear Power Plants. But majority of my expirience has high residential buildings.

We monitored processes, quality and filed safety.

My biggest project was an 18 buildings complex of 5 millions sq.f. Each building has 28 floors and 2-3 levels of underground parking.

Electric Engineer

I worked as Electric Engineer in California.

While working on my largest project in San Jose, I developed software to automate some every day operations with BIM data.

Day by day I learned how to operate that data with scripts instead of manually, and that got me hooked on software engineering again.


What I Do

I love to learn. I always learn!

Working on automation scripts ignited my imagination, and since then I can only think about developing software. I cannot live without it anymore.

I am totally absorbed by software development.

I enjoy to create! I am constantly thinking of solutions and algorithms.

That's why one day I decided to try myself in a new role...


Let's stay in touch

Mariia Gozman, Software Engineer, Sunnyvale, CA

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